The next couple of photos are the samples they had layed out for us to see.
This is a picture of my board in progress
I finished my board before lunch so i decided to buy a small board and make my Dad a present for Fathers day which was the next day. I did not take a picture of it but i will post one when i have.
The next project after lunch was the three little glass jars i must admit that at first i was not sure if i liked them but they are really easy to make. The fresco finish paint goes on really well but i think if i did them again i would put a glaze or something on top so it does not chip. I decided to do these for my mum so i did them in green.
So that was it for the first day and i was tired by the time we got to the caravan. So i just put my pj's on and just chilled out
I was up bright and early for the Sunday and i was excited as we were using moulds and plaster. I have never done this before so it was something new to learn.
Here is Lendra holding you the projected
and here is Linda about to do a demo for us.
We all worked hard all morning because we had to get the plaster down beofre lunch so it could dry. I did not take picture of this project but will post the finshed one. I chosse to do mine in brown but it turn out a more purple colour. Will post pictures so you can see
All i can say is that i had a great weekend with Lendra and Linda. I got to meet some really nice people and i would go again in the future.