We have not been for ages so on Sunday we decided to take a trip to the Leeds store. I had a few things in mind of what i wanted to get. I want another Raskog kitchen trolly in Dark grey

but when i went to pick it up they had run out so this is on my list for next time. I added a table to my studio a couple of months ago and used some old legs i had but they did not go so i picked some nice silver ones up. It looks so much bester now.
I Sub every month to Studio calico kits I get the scrapbooking Kit and the project life kit. I really enjoy getting these as they are products in there that i would never buy myself but i love them. Every month in the kit you get a stamp set which i love but i have never known how to store them until i came across a blog post by Celine Navarro She uses the Godmorgon box which is in the bathroom section.
So here it is empty
And here it is after i have filled it with my Studio Calico stamps and Colour theory ink pads.
There is so much room and the bit above the ink pads can come off but it would be great to keep pens in there.